Counting our Blessings and Having Faith

"An invisible red thread connects those who are destined to meet, regardless of time, place, or circumstance. The thread may stretch or tangle, but never break." Ancient Chinese Belief
"To those who wait, time opens every door." Chinese Proverb

Steven Curtis Chapman and New Hope (Sammy's Foster Home) Unite to Open Maria's Big House of Hope

The Waiting Child Video from LWB

Heartbridge Healing Home at New Hope-Sammy's Foster Home!

New Love Without Bounaries Video

Monday, September 7, 2009

more pics

New School Year Eve

Well the kids are napping and I am reflecting on this wonderful summer. It is amazing how much we have all changed and grown. We have played in the sun and sand, worked a lot in the yard, travelled to Tennessee and Silver Lake, and just hung out. Sammy is now fully an O'Meara we are coming up on a year with her in our lives. I am just at a loss for words to describe how much my girls have changed. Sammy in particular. At the beginning of the Summer she would not touch the sand. Much less go in the water. You should see her now. She swims all over. Caitlin will be a big first grader. Sammy will start her second year of ECDD for speech. It will be another amazing, busy and crazy year I am sure. I don't know what tomorrow holds but my goal is to play with my girls each day and stop planning so much. I want to live more by faith than by my own plans. Gods plans are better than mine anyways. Here are a couple highlight pictures from the past year.

Sunday, August 23, 2009

My hubby is....


Pat took me away this weekend to Detroit to see Kenny Chesney's Summer Carnival Tour. I got to see SUGARLAND too. As well as Montgomery Gentry and Miranda Lambert. We should have seen Lady Antebellum too but were stuck in line waiting to get in for an hour. I was bummed. But I danced the night away to 7 hours of country jams. So cool. All I needed was boots, a hat and a hoochie shirt in order to fit in! I guess my jeans, flip flops and t shirt served me just fine though!!!

one happy country girl-Kim

Monday, August 17, 2009

Signs of bonding...too funny.

So yesterday I was standing at the counter cutting veggies for a fresh salad and preparin dinner. I had taken the puppy out not too long ago when she circles around the counter to me. I assumed she wanted to lay near my feet, that would be normal for her. But NO she circles around the counter while I'm chopping away. squats, and pees on my foot. So of course I am yelling, Oh my gosh did you really just pee on my foot-Gross!! So Caitlin takes the dog out, I'm wiping up the mess and then I feel this tiny little hand on my shoulder; "it's okay momma, it's okay. You okay momma..." My little Sammy was consoling me, patting my back and trying tomake me feel better because the dog peed on my foot! Amazing.

fam of 4 or more?

Friday, August 14, 2009


Morning All
Some of you know that I have been toying with adopting again. At this time that decision has not been made. I just viewed this video about Steven Curtis Chapman and the Hill's from Sammy's Foster Home New Hope, and am crying of course because it is so beautiful. Please view it and see if you can find a means to help. I know many babies need sponsorship. I am praying now that God will clarify for me what my desire is; is it another baby for our home, or am I supposed to be involved somehow, someway with these organizations. More so than I am already, that is. Anyway, back to the video...amazing people, doing amazing things in the name of God.
fam of 4...or more?

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Some Vacation Pictures

Hi all

We just got home froma week long camping vacation. We had lots of fun and even got our family photos taken. I'm so glad to have new pictures of us all together with Sammy. We have come so far this summer as a family. Sammy is happy as a clam, a complete stinker, talking a blue streak and so resilient. I am so proud of her for making it through those first rough months when we(I was)were trying to figure out how to be her parent. Caitlin is as always the best big sister. Sam visited the cleft clinic in mid July and we discussed the two surgeries she may need in the next couple years to further enhance her speech and align her face structure properly. For now she is the picture of beauty. Enjoy the pictures.

Yours Truly
the fam of 4